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Within the System of Natural Areas are sites that represent some of the best, and last, remaining examples of the state’s original natural landscape. Natural areas are special places that protect rare natural communities and provide vital habitat for a host of plant and animal species, some of which are considered to be rare, threatened, or endangered. Locate one of our 79 natural areas below.


Garrett Hollow Natural Area

Garrett Hollow Natural Area
Hunting Natural Areas
Ozark Mountains
Year Added
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Wildlife Management Area
Garrett Hollow Natural Area WMA
Arkansas Natural Heritage Commission
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Washington County
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Garrett Hollow Natural Area is located at the northern edge of the Boston Mountains in the Ozark Highlands. The natural area is marked by rugged topography and consists of diverse hardwood forests and sandstone glades. Like much of the Ozarks, this natural area contains a number of karst features where fractured bedrock allows water to drain into crevices and solution tubes, creating small caves and subterranean streams. Caves and crevices within the natural area provide critical habitat for the federally endangered Ozark big-eared bat.


From Van Buren take State Highway 59 for 16 miles to Natural Dam. Turn right on Liberty Hill Road. Go 8.3 miles until the road forks. Take the road to the right (Antioch Road) to the natural area entrance sign.


Specific types of hunting are allowed on this natural area. For details, see the Garrett Hollow Natural Area WMA listing in the current Arkansas Hunting Guidebook. Take all necessary safety precautions when visiting this area.

