This year four of our Arkansas Heritage agencies are participating in the Little Rock Convention and Visitors Bureau Big Boo!seum Bash. This annual event provides opportunities for families to visit museums across the city where they can collect goodie bags and participate in crafts. In 2020, Boo!seum shifted to an online event due to COVID-19 and since this program is all about the kids, many of whom are under the age of vaccination, the decision was made to continue Boo!seum virtually this year. Click here for the website for the event or here for the Facebook page.
All of the participates will have a “secret word” embedded into their video so be on the lookout, because if you collect all the words, you’ll have a chance to win a prize from the Little Rock Convention and Visitors Bureau. Some participants have treat bags and craft supplies available for pick up, but all four of our agencies have a generous dose of festive fun prepared with their 2021 online offerings. Here’s a look at our Oct. 28 plans:
Arkansas State Archives
Today, how-to books and internet articles showing the latest holiday decorating tips and tricks abound. But in the early 1900s, this DIY trend was just starting to show up in the form of commercial publications. The Arkansas State Archives pulled out the 1912 “Dennison’s Bogie Book” from its collections just in time for Halloween.
Created by the Dennison Manufacturing Company, this booklet is filled with Halloween party ideas for decorations, games and crafts to promote the use of their crepe paper.
Our Big Boo!seum Bash video, featured on the Big Boo!seum’s page and our social media, will transport viewers back to a party a century ago, illustrated with images from the “Bogie Book.” Witches stir cauldrons below owls and pumpkins while cats arch their backs in fright on top of Jack-o-lanterns.
Links will be provided to downloadable copies of the “Dennison’s Bogie Book” and associated craft sheets, so you can host your own old-fashioned Halloween party with spooky decorations, fun games and homemade favors.
To download a copy of “Dennison’s Bogie Book,” visit the Arkansas State Archives new online exhibit about Holidays and Celebrations here.
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Historic Arkansas Museum
Swing by Historic Arkansas Museum to pick up a “Boo! Bag” full of sweet treats and other surprises. While you are here, take a fun pic at our Big Boo!seum selfie station.
Be on the lookout Oct. 28 for some of our best spooky stories on our social media throughout the day (archived on our YouTube). We’ll also partner with the Boo!seum’s page to share these stories.
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Mosaic Templars Cultural Center
What do science, Black history, and Halloween have in common? How about our special Boo!seum Bash video featuring a spooky science experience you can try at home. We’ll also share with you about Dr. Samuel P. Massie Jr, a scientist from right here in Little Rock.
Our video will premiere on our Facebook and YouTube channel at 4 p.m. on Oct. 28, but you can also catch it on the Boo!seum’s page as well.
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Old State House
The Old State House looks forward to seeing trick or treaters stopping by to celebrate this year’s Big Boo!seum Bash. Treat bags will be available during the month of Oct. during museum hours (Tuesday to Saturday 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. and Sunday 1 p.m. to 5 p.m).
Oct. 26 to 31, be sure to grab your camera and snap a pic with our Halloween décor, including fun inflatables.
And don’t forget, tune in to the Boo!seum’s page as well as our social media for the video “We’re Going on a Ghost Hunt.” This video takes place inside the Old State House where we’ll play myth-busters. This video is ok for all ages in that it’s designed to be fun and not scary.
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