State Historic Preservation Plan

In the past, every five years, the AHPP staff reviews their work from the previous five-year period, develops and examines information to assess current trends related to Arkansas’s historic and cultural properties and works to develop goals and objectives to guide its efforts for preservation of Arkansas’s precious cultural resources as it moves into the next five-year period. In the current plan, a collective group of preservation advocates from preservation related organizations will be evaluating the outlook for the next ten years, while also looking back on the previous 5-year plan. The National Historic Preservation Act established a national historic preservation program predicated on the partnerships created between federal and state governments, local and state advocacy organizations, and our other partners who have a vested interest in the protection of the state’s cultural resources including our archeological partners. It is through this group of partners and advocates that this comprehensive statewide preservation plan was produced, which will be in effect from 2023-2033. This plan will guide the state’s preservation activities for the next ten years., including periodic progress reviews. This plan is based on the experience of the preservation partners and advocates in the field, research-based metrics developed through studies and data collection, and constituent contributions. It includes analysis of the current context for preservation of historic resources in the state, the economic and social pressures and opportunities for practicing preservation in Arkansas, and an exploration of existing programs and potential new initiatives to enhance the quality of life of all Arkansans by preserving our heritage resources. 

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