Arkansas Artist Registry

Folk and Traditional Mixed Media painting Paintings Print Making Sculpture Southwest
Arkansas Arts Council
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Jeri Hillis

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Jeri Hillis is a professional working artist/teaching artist working in multiple mediums. She is known for oil paintings of historic architectural features of urban ruin landscapes and mixed media collages of detailed butterfly/moth watercolors with ephemeral fragments enhanced by her emotive brush strokes and pencil lines. As a Hot Springs National Park Service, Arkansas, Artist-in-Residency in August 2021, Jeri created a series in ceramics, a contemporary reflection on ancient Effigy pottery. Vessels adorned with sculptural representations of flora and fauna in an aesthetic desire to present a fragility of the world, a delicateness echoed by the very nature of ceramics in a conceptual “still-life”; objects held in reminder of wonder, a moment awe. Included in 2010 Delta Exhibition, Arkansas Museum of Fine Arts, Little Rock and exhibited at the Historic Arkansas Museum’s Trinity Gallery in 2009. Jeri teaches pottery workshops at the National Park College Continuing Education.
Read more at jhillis-cv.

