MLK Challenge

MLK Challenge 2025

"A day on, not a day off!" The MLK Challenge is a day of service is that is designed to engage students ages 12 to 18 in volunteer work, and to instill a sense of community in Central Arkansas youth. The challenge consists of a full day of service projects that will challenge them mentally and socially. Must be 12 to 18 years old to participate. Please note that some service sites may require physical or outdoor labor and participants will likely get dirty. All participants are advised to wear casual and comfortable clothing.

Register for MLK Challenge 2025
Please choose a T-shirt size:
MLK Challenge Terms

I affirm that I am at least 18 years of age, and grant permission for my minor child to participate in the MLK Challenge 2025. I grant permission of my own free act and in consideration of the agreement by MLK Challenge to accept my child for the activities chosen.

Release of Liability

I release MLK Challenge 2025, the staff, and all others for or on behalf of MLK Challenge from all liability whatsoever, for personal injury to my child, or injuries to property, real or personal, caused by, or arising out of activities sponsored by, or occurring while my child is participating in the MLK Challenge 2025.

I grant permission to use photographs of my minor child in print or online materials designed for news, informational or educational purposes related to the Mosaic Templars Cultural Center or the Arkansas Department of Parks, Heritage and Tourism.

Parent/Guardian Consent
MLK Challenge 2023 Photo Gallery:
MLK Challenge 22

For more information

Hannah Dorsey

Education Director