Byrd Lake and Rattlesnake Ridge Natural Areas Benefit From ANAP Workdays

Byrd Lake and Rattlesnake Ridge Natural Areas Benefit From ANAP Workdays
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Arkansas Natural Heritage Commission
Thursday, February 28th 2019
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ANHC trail

In January, an Adopt a Natural Area Program (ANAP) adopter, the Jefferson County Cooperative Extension Office (JCCEO) – Southeast Arkansas Stormwater Education (SASE), held a cleanup day at Byrd Lake Natural Area (NA). The clean-up day was held in conjunction with the city of Pine Bluff’s Martin Luther King Jr. Day observance and citywide clean-up day.

The adopting group, ANHC staff, and volunteers participated in Pine Bluff’s clean-up day by working at Byrd Lake NA. The citywide clean-up event collected 10,000 pounds of trash.

Earlier this month, Central Arkansas Trail Alliance, The Nature Conservancy (TNC) Arkansas Field Office, and the ANHC hosted a Rattlesnake Ridge NA Trail Work Party. Approximately 76 people attended the trail workday, including participants from the Arkansas Climbers Coalition, Friends of Rattlesnake Ridge, Central Arkansas Master Naturalists, National Interscholastic Cycling Association, ANHC staff, and other individuals.

Volunteers worked on the natural area’s multi-use trail, which is being built in stages. The first stage will add 1.5 miles of new trail leading to the eastern summit. When this is combined with the existing trails, the path will be just under 2 miles in length.

After a morning of trail building, the volunteers gathered at the house on the property for lunch and beverages. Dome Life created a video of the workday, which can be viewed on their YouTube channel at .

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